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In 2004, Dr. Gordon and Reta Fishman founded Generations, a group of generous leaders who would become a reliable source of funding that could be used to expand the many valuable and necessary programs and services University Synagogue continues to develop, innovate and offer.

As a Generations Member today, you are invited to join or rejoin with an annual commitment of at least $1000 above your regular dues, which will entitle you to the following benefits:

  • A reserved parking space for the High Holy Days in either our synagogue lot or across the street in the bowling alley lot
  • A catered dinner and discussion with Rabbi Rachlis about what he learned about Israel and the Middle East during his annual trip to DC as part of the White House Fellows Program
  • A musical or cultural event and catered cocktail/dessert reception
  • Those members who continue to support Generations beyond their initial 10 year commitment and new members who now commit to $1000 over their regular dues for 10 consecutive years will be guaranteed parking in the synagogue lot for High Holy Days

All of the above benefits are included in your Generations membership for families, singles and couples. We hope to achieve a goal of 100 donor households. Come join us, support University Synagogue and enjoy these unique experiences.

For more information or to become a Generations member contact Sari Schreiber:

Thu, February 6 2025 8 Sh'vat 5785