Step into the vibrant narrative of our synagogue's story as we focus our lens on a remarkable evening: our Gala honoring Rabbi Arnie Rachlis. Themed "Through the Lens: A Retrospective on the Life of Rabbi Arnie Rachlis," the Gala celebrated the indelible mark the Rabbi has left on our community.
On this page you will see the founding members of our synagogue introducing a captivating video, with messages from individuals who have traveled with the rabbi throughout his career.
Explore heartfelt congratulatory messages as you flip through the Gala Tribute Book, a collection of cherished memories.
Finally, look at the collection of photographs taken at the Gala. Each photograph captures the fun, pride and spirit of the evening. Those who attended will relive the magic of March 16 and others will have an opportunity to share this momentous occasion in the life of our congregation.